Topics Marked With "oral health":

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad breath is an embarrassing condition commonly caused by eating the wrong foods or having poor hygiene. Avoiding odor triggers, cleaning your mouth and managing your stress are all effective home remedies for bad breath.learn more

Sensitive Teeth: Causes and Home Remedies

Sensitive teeth can feel like a painful electrical shock through the tooth and gum tissue. Narrowing down the causes of this pain can help you treat this pain more effectively so you can avoid these sensations in the future.learn more

Oral Thrush Natural Remedies

Anyone can be affected by oral thrush, which is usually caused by Candida albicans. You can learn home remedies for oral thrush here, which can help you deal with this condition, including herbs and daily cares.learn more

Blocked Salivary Gland

Blocked salivary gland is not a severe condition but if ignored, it may make our life miserable. If you suffer from salivary blockage, some home remedies and sample medical treatments help to solve the problem.learn more