15+ Methods to Remove and Prevent Sweat Stains 

Sweat stains on your clothing can be embarrassing and cause damage to your clothes. Read this article to know how to get rid of sweat stains and to find the right products to control your perspiration that help you avoid uncomfortable sweat stains.

9 Natual Methods to Remove Sweat Stains 

Many people suffer from sweat stains. Fortunately, there are plenty of methods you can use to get them off your clothing.

1. Cold Water



If you are worried about sweat stains developing on your clothing, rinse garments that are susceptible to staining under cold water and rub the problem areas before you wash them. If your clothes have already started to show signs of damage from sweat, you should use the cold water setting on your washer to clean them. Hot water will further set the stain and make it harder to treat later.

2. Salt


Salt is commonly praised for getting very stubborn or dark yellow sweat stains out of clothing. Get a quart of hot water and dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in this liquid. Sponge the sweat stain with this solution until the stain fades.

3. Lemons



Combine a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water and use this to scrub stubborn sweat stains. This is particularly effective for underarm stains on blouses or shirts.

4. Vinegar


Those that have sweat marks on a variety of types of clothing can treat them with vinegar. Simply pour vinegar straight onto the stained area and rub it into the cloth. Wash the clothing as normal following this method. Dilute the vinegar with plain water and this method can be used to remove stubborn, white deodorant stains on the underarms of shirts.

5. Baking Soda


Baking soda makes an excellent pretreatment for cloths that are stained. Combine a fourth cup warm water with four tablespoons baking soda. This mixture can be rubbed into underarm sweat stains to help them fade. If the stains are particularly severe, allow the baking soda mixture to sit on the clothes for two hours before you finish washing it. Add a bit of vinegar to your baking soda mixture to get stains out from around the collars of shirts.

6. Meat Tenderizer


Tenderizing a stain can help you get rid of it. Before washing the sweat-stained item, dampen the stained area and cover it in a bit of meat tenderizer. Follow your normal washing routine and the stain should be gone.

7. Aspirin


If you are trying to get sweat stains out of white clothing, give aspirin a try. Crush two aspirin tablets and dissolve the powder in half a cup of warm water. Soak the stain in this solution for around 2-3 hours before washing and the stain should fade.

8. Dish Soap


If you are dealing with very yellow sweat stains, treat it with a mixture of two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part dish soap. Dip the stain in this mixture, give it a scrub and then allow the mixture to sit on the cloth for around an hour before washing.

9. Ammonia


Ammonia is known for getting a variety of stains out of clothing including urine, blood or perspiration. Dilute the ammonia to half strength and dab at the stained area just before you wash the garment to see the best results.

Here is a video to teach you how to remove underarm sweat stains.

Top 8 Techniques to Prevent Sweat Stains

1. Wear Proper Clothes

Tight clothing can hold perspiration, making it easier for you to get sweat stains. When it is warm, wear clothing that will allow your skin to breathe and can be washed thoroughly to clean away any residue after it has been worn. Synthetic materials can trap moisture as well. Swap out these materials for cotton clothing that will help keep you cool and is less likely to show sweat stains.

2. Use Thin Panty Liners

If you find you are unable to control your sweating effectively, apply a thin panty liner on the inside of long shirts. These will absorb any excess sweat without leaking so you can eliminate your risk of developing sweat stains on the clothing.

3. Choose Right Antiperspirants

Putting on too much antiperspirant can increase the look of your stains. Roll on products or gels tend to cause more stains than other types of antiperspirants. To help avoid causing damage to your clothing, make sure your deodorant has had a chance to dry before you put your clothes on to avoid the product smudging onto your clothing.

4. Get Prescription Antiperspirants

Those that expire excessively can use prescription strength antiperspirants to avoid sweat stains. These will block sweat ducts for a longer length of time than standard antiperspirants without causing irritation to the skin. They will also offer more sweat blocking ingredients than commercial brands to eliminate unsightly sweat marks.

5. Put on Additional Layer

Applying products that allow for additional moisture protection can help you avoid sweat stains. Put baby powder on the skin or sew padding in the armpits of your clothes to help catch the excess sweat. Place these in a way that you can easily take them out to wash or replace them after the clothing has been worn.

6. Keep Body Cool

If you are going to be out in a warm climate or tend to become overheated, do what you can to help your body maintain a comfortable body temperature. Place a cool washcloth on the back of the neck to lower your body temperature. Wear your hair in a short style or wear it up to remove that layer of insulation on the body.

7. Take a Cooler Shower

Taking a cold or cool shower will limit how much you sweat once you step out of the shower. This will also cool and tighten the skin, closing the pores and leaving your skin feeling refreshed. Once you step out of the shower, powder the skin, particularly in areas that tend to be moist such as the underarms to help prevent sweat stains.

8. Take Zinc Supplements

Taking zinc with a glass of milk can help you lower your perspiration levels, thus decreasing your risk of developing sweat stains on your clothing. Before taking any supplements, ensure that increasing your levels of zinc will not interfere with any medications or health concerns that might affect you.