All Skin, Hair & Nails Topics
- Feb 24, 2019
Poison Ivy Home Remedies
Poison ivy home remedies like cold milk and oatmeal baths are simple and effective ways to relieve rashes, itching and inflammation. Check out the 20 home remedies. more »
- Feb 24, 2019
Boils Home Remedy (10 External Use and 9 Internal Use)
Boils home remedy, be it of external use like eggs or of internal use like nutmeg, can effectively alleviate boils. Check 10 external and 9 internal home remedies to see which works best for you. more »
- Feb 23, 2019
Rusty Nail and Tetanus
Tetanus is caused by the C. tetani bacteria flourishing in an oxygen-deprived wound. Be careful if you stepped on rusty nail and take measures to prevent Tetanus immediately. more »
- Feb 21, 2019
Why Do My Feet Smell?
Why do feet smell? Smelly feet are an embarrassing problem that can affect people of all ages. Bacteria and personal habits can all be the causes, but what is the culprit of your smelly feet? more »
- Feb 16, 2019
How to Get Rid of Acne Scars
How to get rid of acne scars can be a concern for many girls and boys. Choose from home remedies, commercial products or medical help for your condition. more »
- Feb 09, 2019
8 Easy Home Remedies for Burns
Burn injuries can range from minor irritations to life-threatening emergencies. Minor burns can be cared by using simple home remedies, while serious burns need immediate medical attention. more »
- Feb 08, 2019
Why Do I Sweat So Much?
As a normal bodily function, sweating helps maintain a normal body temperature. However, some people may wonder “why do I sweat so much?” more »
- Feb 03, 2019
10+ Best Home Remedies for Foot Odor
Foot odor is a condition that can be both annoying and embarrassing. Read on to find the best home remedies for food odor as well as suggestions for prevention. more »
- Jan 20, 2019
Infected Toenail: Treatment and Prevention
Infected toenails can spread to other parts of the body. Using antifungal remedies like vinegar can help prevent excessive damage to the toenails and avoid spreading. more »
- Jan 16, 2019
How to Treat Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails may be caused by improper footwear, incorrect trimming or infection. Learn how to treat ingrown toenails like keeping good feet hygiene and medical options. more »
Editor's Pick:
How to Choose Best Running Shoes for Bad Knees
You should choose the best running shoes for bad knees that fit your feet type perfectly. Here're also tips for neutral runners when choosing the best running shoes.
Burp Smells Like Poop: Why and What to Do
Burp smells like poop? Ugh! It can be caused by reasons like wrong food patterns and medication use. Find your causes and use our 4 methods to crack it.
Dealing With Teenage Depression
Teenage depression is a persistent feeling of melancholy and sadness. Learn teen depression symptoms, suicidal signs and how to deal with the depression here.
How to Lose Arm Fat
How to lose arm fat? The fastest and most effective way is to combine right diet, cardiovascular exercises and strength training exercises together.
Is Eating Lunch Meat While Pregnant Safe?
Lunch meat has bacteria that can cause listeriosis. Eating undercooked lunch meat while pregnant is not safe, so try to eliminate it or eat after thoroughly cooked.
How to Deal With Autism
Feel disconnected with your autistic kid? Here we each you how to deal with autism, communicate with autistic kid and further your understanding of autism.
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